Digital Marketing for Car Dealerships


Social media marketing for car dealerships and the digital marketing world is constantly evolving. To keep up with the trends and requirements of your clients, it is imperative to understand the tools made available to us through technology and social media – to achieve maximum benefit in terms of customer engagement.

Because digital marketing in the automotive industry has changed so dramatically, to help you find the perfect blend of creativity, efficiency and productivity, Finyki provides the following services to Car-Dealers to adapt their business with modern solutions.

Finyki’s Six Dimensions For Car Dealership Marketing

Social Media Marketing
Pay-Per-Click Marketing (PPC)
Video Marketing
Customer Reviews/Testimonials
Email Marketing

PPC / Google Ads For Car Dealers Marketing

Pay per click (also known as PPC) advertising is an excellent tool in any digital marketing arsenal. With PPC, Finyki can make it possible for your company’s links to show at the top of the search engine results page (SERP) within days or even hours of the campaign beginning. PPC advertising takes the form of sponsored listings on the search engines, and they can also appear as a banner or other ads on websites, apps, videos and on social media. Ads can include videos, images, logos or be fully text-based.

Social Media Marketing For Car Dealerships

Car buyers, and consumers, in general, spend hours each week on social media marketing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. If you’re not taking advantage of how easy and affordable it is to market through these platforms yet, don’t worry! We’ll make sure you to have a great way for you to connect with your target audience.

Video Marketing For Car Dealers

The old adage states “a picture is worth 1,000 words.” That should help you understand how valuable a video is. In the automotive industry, the video offers you a great way to connect with customers and show them exactly what you have to offer. Finyki can help in creating videos of some of your new arrivals or showcasing your showroom which is a great way to build interest and bring in new potential customers. Pairing your video marketing efforts with social media will allow your videos to be shared far and wide–giving you additional recognition throughout the community.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Reviews are probably the most effective automotive marketing strategy there is. As an automotive marketer you need to not only ensure you have GOOD reviews, but you need to go above and beyond to ensure these glowing reviews are everywhere they can possibly be.

Yelp, Google, social networks, your own website—ensure you are covering all your bases! Finyki can help you take things a step further by creating customer success stories and videos with your most valued customers, and use these in various places, like paid social ads, your website, or your newsletter.

Email Marketing For Car Dealerships

Email is a valuable marketing tool, even in today’s highly fast-paced marketplace. Email Marketing for Auto Dealers is the best way to make sure your message reaches the ideal target. Email Marketing is interesting because it can be used alongside digital marketing methods. For example, you may send out a personalized email that directs the recipient to your website highlighting new vehicles on your lot.

Remarketing Your Audience

Remarketing is a critical component for automotive marketing. Since there is so much comparison shopping going on, and the sales process is such a key component of the car buying process, it is important to not lose new leads in the marketing stage of things.

Finyki can ensure that giving your audience reminders through intriguing remarketing ads is one great way to ensure no leads fall out of the funnel.


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